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Early Bio Info
1955 - 1982

penned in 2001



Elvis and Me


Preface to these autobiographical musings


2001, a pain odyssey. During my recovery from heart surgery on February 12, 2001, I was naturally reflecting on my life and lamenting that I hadn’t kept a record of every gig I’d played. I wanted to remember my life through those thousands of gigs. That would have steered me through the cobwebs. Without the benefit of a diary, I started jotting down my earliest music memories in hopes of at least finding a somewhat accurate chronology. Those earliest memories were the most significant and memorable because they molded and pointed me to a life as a professional musician. I think I’ve unraveled the high spots. I do this for me in case I ever forget who I am! And, for my son and any family members who may be interested. I don’t regret my life as a musician. I do wish I’d  had  more ambition, a longer view and been smarter about it. I wish I had taken Bob Conti’s advice when I was 19, to go to a music school. Or taken the advice of Bill Davis when I was in my early 30s to finish my degree while teaching at Jacksonville University. Ignorance and pride is a bad combination. In spite of some poor decisions, I have had some marginal success. I have taught at a university for 30+ years without a music degree (I consider that a success. It’s much easier to do with legit credentials). I have supported my family playing jazz music in a city known more for rock and roll and country music. And, somehow I’ve done this without much  forethought, planning or extreme effort; only my love of music. Again, my regret is that with forethought, planning and effort I would be a much better musician and after all, that is what the goal was and still is. So, in that regard, my personal shortcomings have had the final say. Cause and effect is a bitch. I took the road less traveled when I should gotten on the interstate!


Contact me for the rest of the story







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